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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Deanes

Parent Pay

At The Deanes,  payments for school dinners, trips, music lessons, planners etc. can be made online via ParentPay.

ParentPay was launched in the Autumn term 2006 and has been running successfully ever since.  School trips, bus tickets, donations etc. can all be paid via the internet.

There has been a good response from parents and some of the benefits are shown below:

  • So much quicker

  • Automatically receive an email receipt for monies paid

  • No worry that child will lose money/fail to hand it in to school office

All parents have been sent a unique user name and password but if you have any problems or did not receive your letter please do not hesitate to contact the Finance Office.

Once you have activated your account, you will be able to make payments securely online at any time, as well as monitor the history of your payments and view the balance on your child's account.

If you have not signed up why not give it a try - log onto Parentpay.com and follow the instructions.

Parent Pay

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